
Reduvioid Evolution NSF

Reduvioid Evolution NSF

A) Phylogeny: produce well-supported and comprehensive phylogenies of Reduvioidea by integrating transcriptomic and anchored hybrid enrichment data and by combining this phylogenomic dataset with traditional molecular and morphological data. 

B) Fossils: describe or re-describe critical reduviid fossils that bridge taxonomic and geological gaps in the fossil record, integrate fossils into phylogenetic and divergence dating analyses, and establish dates for prey transitions and key innovations involved in predation behavior. 

C) Evolutionary History: use above phylogenies for Reduvioidea to test hypotheses on the evolution of hematophagy and prey specializations and test correlation of rate shifts with shifts in key innovations involved in predation behavior and anti-predator defense. 

D) Classification: use total accumulated phylogenetic information to reclassify Reduvioidea.

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