


Macropterous or elytrous Ceratocombidae (~50 described species) are subdivided into the 2 subfamilies: Ceratocombinae (with 2 tribes), males of which feature a usually symmetrical abdomen, and Trichotonanninae (with only the nominal tribe) that are characterized by strong abdominal asymmetries in the male.

Ceratocombini include Ceratocombus Signoret that may contain hundreds of undescribed species worldwide, and two additional small genera, Leptonannus Reuter (3 species from the Nearctic, Neotropical, and Afrotropical biogeographic regions) and Feshnia Štys (Afrotropical). Issidomimini contain the 3 genera Issidomimus Poppius (Indo-Pacific), Kvamula Štys (Indo-Pacific), and Muatianvuaia Wygodzinsky (Afrotropical). The second ceratocombid subfamily, the Trichotonanninae, contain only Trichotonannus Reuter with 6 species from the Old World tropics.


For accounts on natural history, see the references below.



Lattin, J.D., 2000. Life history of Ceratocombus vagans (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Ceratocombidae), with notes on the immature stages. Great Lakes entomologist 33, 131–139.Lattin, J.D., 2000. Life history of Ceratocombus vagans (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Ceratocombidae), with notes on the immature stages. Great Lakes entomologist 33, 131–139.

Melber, A., Köhler, R., 1992. Die Gattung Ceratocombus Signoret, 1852 in Nordwestdeutschland (Heteroptera, Ceratocombidae). Bonner zoologische Beitrage 43, 229–246.

Schuh, R.T., Slater, J.A., 1995. True bugs of the world (Hemiptera: Heteroptera): classification and natural history, Comstock Publishing Associates, Cornell University Press, pp. i–xii, 1–336.

Štys, P., 1958. Ceratocombus (Xylonannuskunsti n. sp.- a new species of Dipsocoridae from Czechoslovakia (Heteroptera). Acta Societatis Entomologicae Cechoslovenicae 55, 372–379.

Štys, P., 1970. On the morphology and classification of the family Dipsocoridae s. lat., with particular reference to the genus Hypsipteryx Drake (Heteroptera). Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 67, 21–46.



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